
Cannabis kombucha provides dose of the good stuff


“I was looking for what a lot of people were looking for. A better way to live,” Daniel Grim, founder of Good Stuff Tonics, recently told PACIFIC.

Prior to joining the cannabis industry, where he now works in conjunction with Kombucha Culture in Carlsbad, Grim used to be a corporate guy wondering if there was more to life. After moving from New Jersey to San Diego, studying yoga in an Indian ashram and happening upon a cannabis conference, the idea crystallized: He would give people a way to healthfully drink cannabis through kombucha. Thanks to that journey, Good Stuff Tonics was born.

PACIFIC sat down with Grim to talk kombucha, cannabis and about the feel-good, live-good elixir.

PACIFIC: Explain what Good Stuff Tonics is?
We believe that you don’t need to sacrifice your body for a buzz. As a result, we created the cleanest and healthiest delivery system in the cannabis industry — probiotic, organic and low-sugar cannabis-infused kombucha. It is a cannabis edible, so it’s important to make sure you dose it appropriately, which is super easy with a “cough syrup-style” cup that comes on the bottle. Each beverage will tell you how many milligrams of THC fills the cup, allowing tasters the ability to have the perfect dose every time.

How do the benefits of cannabis complement the benefits of kombucha?
The original idea was to create great gut medicine. Cannabis has proven to be incredibly effective in creating a healthy environment for the gut. So that was the original idea: take two great gut medicines and combine them to create a super gut medicine. Research is revealing which cannabinoid and terpene ratios are best suited to heal such challenges as “leaky gut,” with the idea of infusing those strains into the kombucha.

When did you come up with the idea for cannabis kombucha?
[After leaving the East Coast and India] I found a way to combine my passions and create cannabis-infused kombucha. I was still employed in my corporate job when I went to a huge cannabis conference. I came out and thought, “People drink wine, beer and spirits. Eventually, people will want to drink their cannabis and they are going to want a clean, healthy way to get it — kombucha!”

How did you put that inspiration into action?
I was working 40 to 50 hours a week as a sales manager and used my time between 3 and 7 a.m. to work on the business at night. The biggest obstacle was figuring out how to mix cannabis oil into water and create a homogeneous mixture. I wasn’t a chemist and didn’t have a clue. I went to the High Times Cannabis Cup (a marijuana trade show) and asked every vendor, “Who can teach me how to do this?” until I found a guy who taught me the basics. Then I hired a chemist to help perfect it.

What is in it?
We use 100% organic ingredients. Pesticide-free cannabis and high-end teas — black, white, green, yerba mate and organic fruits as flavoring. The only thing in there that you might not know is gum acacia, which is what we use to emulsify the oil in water.

Who is Good Stuff Tonics for?
Anyone who wants to try, or use, cannabis, but is conscious of what they put in their body. Also, anyone who wants to play with edibles, but is intimidated. We have a 4mg THC product with 50mg CBD that anyone can try. It’s our Black Berry High CBD Kombucha — my wife is not a cannabis user, (she) drinks a shot or two, and loves it.

Where can you find it around San Diego?
The majority of the licensed shops in town carry Good Stuff Tonics, such as Torrey Holistics, Golden State Greens, Apothekare, Treehouse Collective, Mankind, Southwest Patient Group and A Green Alternative.

Cannabis-Infused, Kombucha,.... left-right, Kombucha Black Berry, Kombucha Ginger Apple (low dose), Kombucha Ginger Apple, Kombucha Moroccan Rose, Kombucha Hibiscus Ginger (low dose) and Kombucha Hibiscus Ginger (CBD Heavy).
(Nelvin C. Cepeda / San Diego Union-Tribune)


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