
Fishermen let lines fly


Regarding “Time to Face a Dirty Little Secret” [April 19] by Gary Polakovic: Behind the leadership of recreational fishing, most California fishing is excellent, not only in numbers but size of fish caught. Recently records for largest halibut have been broken, and today, white seabass fishing for 40-, 50- and 60-pound fish is the best in generations. Albacore fishing has been rated best ever.

Polakovic has fallen victim to the siren call of no-take reserves as a cure-all for ocean woes. Complex problems require comprehensive action, including regulation on fisheries, special zoning and strict water quality management to deal with the billions of gallons of effluent and cooling water discharges into the Southern California Bight.

Tom Raftican

President, United Anglers of Southern California


The real problem in California’s fisheries comes from overpopulation of our state and the attendant pollution we have produced in a pell-mell rush to grow.


Steve Edwards



“Time to Face a Dirty Little Secret” is the best piece I’ve seen this year. Keep up your good work on behalf of our oceans.

Michael Sutton

V.P. and Director

Center for the Future

of the Oceans,

Monterey Bay Aquarium


When are we going to get a report on whether the closures are working? Why can’t we alternate closure areas? Open up some of those that have now been closed for years. Let’s see if they are rejuvenated.

Cory Visser

Diamond Bar


Regulate destructive commercial fishing practices, get tougher on bag limits, impose slot limits and maintain seasons -- and the fisheries will be fine. But do not take away my right to fish the waters that I have been fishing since I was a kid.

Joe Linkogle

Seal Beach


Let’s not run around shouting “the sky is falling” based on one unsuccessful trip on the ocean. Big fish do not get big by being stupid. The big fish are out there, you just need to find them. That is what the joy of fishing is all about.

Alex Masumoto



The Los Angeles Times has treated fishermen like outcasts for several years, so your article was a refreshing change. But please keep in mind that recreational fishing is a multibillion-dollar industry with a vast cross-section of men, women and children who deserve your support.

Tom Young

Simi Valley


Your article is very poignant and true. It brought back many memories of fishing for albacore and halibut, and of diving the Bay, Paradise Cove, Channel Islands, Big Rock. It’s a shame those memories are impossible to repeat now.


Carl Straub



“Time to Face a Dirty Little Secret” was a balanced piece that combined facts with an emotional punch. Thanks for putting it out there.

Warner Chabot

Vice President

The Ocean Conservancy
