
Bratton’s Congratulatory Note to Villaraigosa Delivered to Pacheco

From a Times Staff Writer

Police Chief William J. Bratton is relatively new to Los Angeles, so perhaps he can be forgiven for a political faux pas Thursday that had the staff of one city councilman miffed.

Bratton was eager to congratulate former Assemblyman Antonio Villaraigosa for his election to the Los Angeles City Council this week over incumbent Councilman Nick Pacheco.

Unfortunately, Bratton’s congratulatory note was delivered Thursday to Pacheco’s City Hall office. Reminding the bearer of the letter that Villaraigosa does not take over occupancy of Pacheco’s office until July 1, the councilman’s staff turned it away.


Pacheco, who was home resting, said he was amused by the mix-up. “I’m sure it was an honest mistake,” he said. “It’s a funny mistake.”

Sgt. John Pasquariello, an LAPD spokesman, confirmed that the congratulatory letter was sent to Councilman-elect Villaraigosa at the City Hall office he will assume. “Probably in hindsight we should have sent it to his campaign office,” Pasquariello said.
