
Scandal Increases Republicans’ Skid in Polls

From Reuters

Democratic candidates have a big edge on Republicans one month before elections to decide control of Congress, a flurry of new polls showed Monday, with ratings for President Bush and Congress dropping after the House sex scandal.

A USA Today/Gallup poll gave Democrats a 23-point edge on Republicans in the battle for Congress, while a CNN poll gave Democrats a 21-point lead.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll found Democrats held a 54%-41% lead in the congressional horse race among registered and likely voters, which ABC said was the biggest Democratic lead this close to election day in more than 20 years.


And a new CBS News/New York Times poll showed 79% of respondents thought Republican leaders were more concerned with politics than the well-being of the teenage pages who received lewd messages from former Republican Rep. Mark Foley of Florida.

Republicans have been scrambling to contain the fallout from the scandal and keep it from sinking them Nov. 7.
