
Letter: GWP bill too high, gas bill not bad


I recently received my monthly gas bill from Sempra Energy and was gratified it was under $20. They charged me for the gas I used operating my dryer, water heater, stove and furnace pilot. They added to my bill a state fee, a public purpose surcharge and a Glendale city users tax at 7% computed after the state and public purpose surcharge was added. (Glendale has to get every penny.)

It is never pleasant receiving the Glendale Water & Power bill. The rates for water and electricity are increased frequently. To my electric service charge they add a customer charge and a public benefits charge. For my water service, they add another customer charge. Also listed on the back of the bill is a water commodity charge and a water adjustment charge. Unbelievably, my water customer charge is much greater than my water usage charge. At the bottom, the city adds a utility users tax of 7% and a state electrical energy surtax.

Many in my neighborhood receive water and power bimonthly bills in amounts over $700. It is no wonder why the utility has a problem collecting these huge bills and has to shut off this service.

I am always impressed with the prompt service provided by the Gas Company responding to a gas smell and checking my furnace, especially considering their reasonable cost of service. The city of Glendale provides excellent service also, but at a much higher cost. It is believed we are purposely being overcharged to fund other nonutility expenses.

Hang on to your wallets — more increases are on the way.

Dolores Francis
