
Kickass Entrepreneur: Function First


Anthony Carey has a passion for health, fitness and people. Having a master’s degree in biomechanics and athletic training, Carey realized there was something missing in the world of corrective exercise and that there should be other options for those who had pain and were not getting help from the traditional medical model, which is normally just medications or surgery.

So in 1994, Carey and three other co-workers in the fitness world decided to start Function First, a corrective exercise studio that uses systematic and functional exercises that address the client’s pain. Clients work with a Function First pain-free movement specialist and are provided with a highly individualized home program. This home care gives clients the tools for self-care to alleviate pain and restore function. Function First’s clients include professional athletes, entertainers, medical doctors and individuals from all walks of life.

A few years after starting the company, Carey became the sole owner after buying out the other founders. It was when Carey was on the squat rack, which allowed him only to go up and down, when he came up with another idea. He wanted to create a system that would allow people to move in all directions through space while working out. This is where the Core-Tex came in. The Core-Tex looks like a round skateboard in a bowl and allows the user to use it in multiple ways: can stand on it, lay on it, kneel on it, sit on it or use it from a push-up or bridge position to help train the body in the most optimal ways. Carey teamed up with Reactive Training, LLC to help manufacture and distribute the Core-Tex, which is now available in 15 countries, and was just featured on the fitness reality show, “Sweat, Inc.” with Jillian Michaels.

Q: Misconceptions people have about Core-Tex fitness?

A: The biggest misconception is that the Core-Tex is just a balance device. Balance is just one of the many things the Core-Tex does. The second biggest misconception is that it is too difficult for certain populations. The way you use the Core-Tex is specific to the needs and goals of the individual. You choose positions and exercises that are right for that person.

Q: Other hobbies you have that keep you in great shape?

A: I love working out with my team at Function First, but I also enjoy riding my mountain bike, trail and beach running, and hiking.

Q: If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?

A: To be able to fly. I would love the freedom and perspective it would allow for.

Q: CEO or company you admire and why?

A: Richard Branson. His passions and interest in life are interwoven with the businesses he builds. His companies are an extension of him, and are therefore entities that he wants others to get enjoyment or benefits from them as much as he does.

Q: Best part about doing business in San Diego?

A: San Diego is a fitness mecca both for the enthusiasts and the industry. We have very influential fitness organizations and individuals here. There is access to so many great fitness minds here. Couple that with it being the most beautiful city in the U.S. and it’s the perfect place for my businesses.

Q: Best advice you have ever received?

A: When riding my mountain bike on a technical trail, I was told focus on where you want your tire to go, not what you are trying to avoid. That not only kept me from crashing, but was an excellent lesson to apply to everything in life.

Q: Soundtrack to your life?

A: Journey - Don’t Stop Believin’

Queen - Another One Bites the Dust

Everlast - What It’s Like

Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity

Nelly - I’m Number One

Source: DiscoverSD
