
Guest Commentary: Standing up for liberty


In March, Intermountain Republican Women Federated had as its speaker Heidi Mund, popularly known on the Internet as the “Brave German Woman.” Since that day, her speech has weighed heavily on my heart and mind, so even though it has been a month past, I would like to share my impressions.

Mund, an atheist turned Christian, has gained notoriety for protesting an Islamic iman’s call to prayer in a historic Christian church, Memorial Church of the Reformation in the Rhineland city of Speyer, Germany, built to honor Martin Luther. Her protest was caught on video, displayed on YouTube, and this video has since gone viral. Christians around the world are commending her courage, and she has since been interviewed and discussed on the 700 Club and Glenn Beck talk shows.

Mund’s protest centered on the fact that the iman gave the Islamic call to prayer (adhan) inside the historic Christian church. The adhan incorporates the Islamic Shahada, which is the Muslim profession of faith. When the iman shouted “Allahu Akbar,” Mund rose and proclaimed that “Jesus Christ is Lord over Germany.” She then repeated the words of Martin Luther in 1521 after he refused to recant his faith, “Here I stand. I can do no other.” Mund was then thrown out of the church.

Mund’s story touched me deeply because I saw and witnessed the deep love of Jesus Christ that many converts to Christianity have, especially converts who live in oppressed countries that discourage the practice and teachings of Christianity. Mund grew up in Communist East Germany and was raised an atheist. She converted to Christianity and escaped to the West before the Berlin Wall was taken down.

My mother was converted to Christianity by Methodist missionaries before World War II in Japan. She had the deep conviction, zeal and enthusiasm that Mund has in spreading the good news of God’s love, and of salvation through Jesus Christ. My mother brought my American father, brother and me to her Methodist church in Matsuyama, Japan, to be baptized. I am old enough to remember Bibles being smuggled past the “Iron Curtain” in Communist countries such as the former Soviet Union and Red China. Today Christians in the Middle East are suffering and facing persecution, suffering and ridicule.

Islam is the fastest-growing religion in Europe. The Christian church in Europe has suffered serious decline in membership and attendance, and has become lax and secularized. I have a friend who is a pastor of a Baptist church in the San Diego area. His son and family were missionaries in England. His son said that England is no longer a Christian nation. Some sources say the United Kingdom has over 3,000 mosques, and empty church buildings are being converted into mosques. The UK has close to 200 Sharia law courts. These circumstances and consequences are what Mund is fighting against.

Liberty is the hallmark of our American society. The right to liberties includes the freedom to believe, express and practice one’s faith. These liberties are not absolute and must operate within the boundaries of laws and the U.S. Constitution. We are seeing fundamental and extremist Muslims who have immigrated to the West and are seeking to be governed by Islamic Shari’ah, which I believe is not only foreign to this country but violates existing laws of the land and the U.S. Constitution.

We are living in a day where standing up for Christ and the truth is not popular, or is considered not politically correct. Those who stand up for the Christian faith or for America’s laws and values are accused of spreading hate speech or are called “Islamophobes” or “Christian extremists.” We need to show the courage that Heidi Mund has demonstrated by standing up for our Judeo-Christian beliefs and values, and respecting and appreciating our liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Marjorie Blakeney-Swan is a Ramona resident.


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