
Our Readers Write


Have schools

forgotten 9/11?

On 9/11 my daughter and some friends were talking on the way home from high school about 9/11. What I heard was disturbing.

They said that most teachers didn’t mention or discuss it. That when a student wanted to organize a student 17 lap around the track to remember this day 17 years later, that the students were told if they did this lap they would be marked tardy and may have to do yard pickup.

Most of the girls said that their teachers didn’t even do the pledge of allegiance that day -- there wasn’t even a 17-second moment of silence by the school.

My daughter was born a year after the 9/11 terrorist attack so she does not have firsthand knowledge of how that day shook America. She should be taught that. I have done so, but I would expect our schools to do so as well.

“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children.” — President George W. Bush

It’s a very sad day, 17 years later, to find out our schools have forgotten already...

Chris Anderson


Something to

think about

Re: “District 50 deserves better” letter to editor in Sept 13 Sentinel.

Captain, can you please let me know what news service you subscribe to that can predict the future?

You state that you are “disgusted and shamed” by the alleged inappropriate campaign fund actions of Congressman Duncan D. Hunter. You believe he was “asleep when ethics were being taught” and you call for his resignation.

As a fellow veteran, I respect your service to our country. But you seem to have been asleep during U.S. Constitution classes. The Fifth Amendment defines our rights to something called “due process.” Our legal system states that a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Mr. Hunter has not had his day in court and at this point has not been proven guilty. Yet you have already convicted him, acting as judge and jury.

Also, you might be interested to know that according to a USA Today article, Aug. 23, 2013, President Obama’s campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission after his 2008 campaign did not turn in reports for about 1,300 last-minute donations that totaled nearly $1.9 million. A crime. But the punishment was a fine. He was not dragged into court charged with serious crimes.

I suggest you get out your copy of the U.S. Constitution and look up the rights that you may have forgotten and maybe not convict people and call for a total destruction of their career and lives before anything has been proven.

Think about it.

Ronald Fay


Research sources

of information

I don’t understand what’s going on in our town. Why are Ramona Tea’d and the Intermountain Republican Women Federation having guest speakers who denigrate Muslims and the Islamic faith? Is it to prepare Ramona in case a Muslim family should move in here? What’s the end goal?

Sure, there are terrorists and people of all religions that extract violence from their religious guides and skew the language to their own violent agenda, but how is demonizing an entire faith considered just or American? Do you realize that most victims of Islamic terrorism are Muslims?

In response to Diane Chapman’s letter of Sept. 6, we would have had time for more questions if several audience members hadn’t started verbally attacking our guest speakers. I had to leave to get the librarian in case we needed to call the sheriff. One man started pacing in hostile anger and was peacefully subdued by one of our members. Fortunately, it did calm down and I actually noticed some of the most offensive attendees actually speaking to our speakers after the event in a calm manner. There is hope.

I believe the sources some follow are from the anti-Islamic websites and text that look valid, but if you research the publishers/authors and look at the objective reviews, you will realize they have a very specific anti-Islamic agenda. Please go deeper when relying on sources for information. Also, get to know some Muslims. Did you feel threatened by our guests?

Susan Conrad



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