
Letter: Derby House is one of Glendale’s gems


I enjoyed the review of Wild Oak Café that was published Oct. 7. I really must try it out.

I did want to correct one statement in the article, though. The article states that Derby House in Chevy Chase Canyon was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Actually, the architect was his son Frank Lloyd Wright Jr. (also known professionally as Lloyd Wright), who was also a notable architect.

Derby House is stunning pre-Columbian/Mayan/Islamic-style residence constructed in 1926. It has been recognized as one of Glendale’s architectural gems through its inclusion on both the National Register of Historic Places and the Glendale Register of Historic Resources.

In addition to designing Derby House, Lloyd Wright also was the architect for Calori House, also built in 1926 in Chevy Chase Canyon and listed on the Glendale Register.

Sean Bersell

Executive Director

The Glendale Historical Society
