
Letter: An uneducated vote isn’t prudent


I read Ardy Kassakhian’s piece in the News-Press about making voter registration automatic with the application for a driver license. I think the effort to make participation in our democracy is admirable.

I wish Kassakhian would also champion some kind of educational standard for voter registration as well. Understanding the issues with which voters are confronted is not an easy task.

If someone is applying for a driver’s license, the probability is that they are either young or new to the area. Sure, they can choose to cast their vote with a block that they trust, but is that really a good idea? Is it prudent to vote without a thorough understanding of all the issues and candidates? If the voter does not know that they must register before they are allowed to vote, is it possible that they are voting without knowing how their vote will affect their life?

Greg Hiscott
La Cañada
