
Letter-writer does not speak for her


I am not going to debate the erroneous interpretation of Rev. Bryan Griem’s response to the rise of anti-Semitism by Peter Dreier (“Pastor should apologize for remarks,” June 15). He quoted the Rev’s first line and then apparently zoned out from there. What I have issue with is why he thinks he is judge, jury and executioner and demands an apology. He doesn’t speak for me, my family or anyone I know. He disagrees, fine; but he doesn’t speak for anyone other than himself when he calls “on all people of conscience” to demand an apology.

In that same In Theory column we had the Rev. Amy Pringle’s usual brilliant ideas that we should rewrite history, the Bible and change any words that the public doesn’t like until it is one big ambiguous, politically correct storybook.

I don’t agree. I’m not going to demand a apology. I was raised in a strict Baptist home and reading the Bible, I didn’t learn to hate the Jewish population, or hate at all. It is our pastors,’ and leaders,’ jobs to teach beyond the words in the Bible and to help their congregations understand compassion and love, not change the words because it could cause many to view a certain religion or group with contempt. If you read something you don’t understand or clearly misinterpret, then you don’t spew hatred and demand an apology or make the writers change what you don’t like. Instead, teach the truth of the Bible; and above all, teach love.

Teri Thompson
La Crescenta
