
Seventh Moon: 4 of 5 stars

Sentinel Staff Writer

A decade after The Blair Witch Project, many of us who follow “the Haxan Films boys” had pretty much given up on them ever making anything that measures up to that happy accident. Mediocre horror movies that go straight to video, malnourished and gimmicky relationship pieces that never make it past film festivals have been their lot.

But Seventh Moon is a delicious taste of the glory days and a damn fine fright, to boot.

Blair co-director Eduardo Sanchez and producers Gregg Hale and Robin Cowie (not the full Haxan crew) re-team for a well-cast and genuinely chilling tourists-lost-in-rural China thriller about the ghouls that come to feed on the living every Seventh Moon. Yes, they’ve resurrected the infamous Blair Witch “shaky cam” for this (Hale and Sanchez pitch in to help with the camera work) as they put newlyweds played by the wonderful Amy Smart (Crank) and Tim Chiu through a hellish night of chases, traps and blood sacrifice. The third act isn’t as sharp as the first two, but this is still one of the better hair-raisers to come along. A real horror return to form, and the first post-Blair Witch movie from any of them that proves The Witch wasn’t a fluke.

Screening at: 12 midnight, Friday, April 3, Enzian; 9:30 p.m. Sunday, April 5, Regal.
