
From the Archives: Easter Sunrise Service at the Hollywood Bowl

Apr. 6, 1947: A trumpeter heralds the dawn for 25,000 worshipers at Hollywood Bowl sunrise service, one of several Easter programs covered in the next day's Los Angeles Times.
(Paul Calvert / Los Angeles Times Archive/UCLA)

This photo, by staff photographer Paul Calvert, was one of six Easter-related images published the next morning on The Los Angeles Times’ page three. On the Hollywood Bowl service, the Times reported:

More colorful than any of the preceding Easter services at Hollywood Bowl was the program presented there yesterday and attended by an audience estimated at more than 25,000 worshipers.

Hours before the chimes began to ring at 5:30 a.m. thousands had found comfortable seats on the sloping tiers of benches or among the green trees that line the hills. “Youth” was the theme of the service, and hundreds of boys and girls took part in the program and assisted in seating the visitors. Hundreds of war veterans were taken to the service by Red Cross Motor Corps caravans, and after the service were treated to breakfast by Red Cross volunteers.


Standing beneath a rugged wooden cross on the north hillside, eight white-robed young women trumpeters hailed the rising sun with the inspiring “Gloria Patri.”…

The ancient Sanskrit poem, “Salutation of the Dawn,” has been read at every Bowl sunrise for the last 20 years, but never has it been recited with such feeling and enthusiasm as it was read yesterday by Elizabeth Taylor. …

This post was originally published on April 22, 2011.

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