
Weapons Treaties and the Summit


According to Colin S. Gray (Op-Ed, Dec. 15), any attempt to control the buildup of nuclear weapons is inevitably bound to produce “trivial or dangerous agreements” that can only threaten international security. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that nuclear weapons are beyond human control and that, in fact, they control us. Gray’s attitude exemplifies a mind-set that has existed since the creation of nuclear technology--that nuclear weapons have become an entity in themselves; a product of man’s genius that simply cannot be restrained. Our existence depends upon the mercy of the atom bomb; it has become our only true means of “security.” We have surrendered, leaving the responsibility of nuclear control for our children to deal with. As a 20-year-old college student, I refuse to surrender to this insanity.

Gray maintains that “virtually every argument” in favor of arms reduction is “simply wrong.” But he has ignored the most obvious and substantive argument of all. As the two superpowers stand prepared for mutually assured destruction, the only hope for survival rests upon the reduction of our strategic arsenals. If we continue to submit to the will of men like Colin Gray, the threat of global destruction will only intensify with the creation of each new missile system and defense initiative.


Hacienda Heights
