
Former bishop should be heard


Re “Mahony asks bishop to drop tour for clergy-abuse book,” June 7

So Cardinal Roger Mahony and other bishops fear that former Bishop Geoffrey Robinson’s talk in Los Angeles could be “a source of disunity and cause of confusion among the faithful of the particular churches we serve.” Why not allow the faithful to hear Robinson and discern for themselves what is truth, misinformation or “doctrinal difficulties”? Why not examine with him questions about the authority and power of the Catholic Church? Why not openly discuss the scandal of sexual abuse, which has been treated more with silence than with open disclosure in this archdiocese?

Openness in the Catholic Church can only lead to critical examination of the issues. Silencing the source of controversial views only confirms the misuse of power and authority in the church.

Lenore Navarro


Los Angeles

At the urging of the Vatican, Mahony is trying to stop Robinson from speaking on the mishandling of the clergy sexual abuse scandal by the hierarchy, citing “disunity” if he speaks.


Emphasis on unity -- at the expense of the violations of Gospel values involved in abusing children and protecting the abusers -- is precisely the problem. Until the top-down, insular and unaccountable nature of the celibate clergy is modified, Gospel values will encounter difficulty in regaining their deserved priority.

John C. Nangle

Palm Springs

Never underestimate the power of Mahony. Like Moses allegedly parting the Red Sea, Mahony denies Robinson, author and chronicler of church sex abuse, permission to speak in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. With a wave of his pungent censer, he suspends the 1st Amendment right to free speech.

Maybe Mahony’s jealous because he didn’t write the book. He’s certainly familiar with the material. Next thing you know, he’ll deny Amazon the right to sell it.

Jack Bailey

Studio City
