
Supervisor shows her creative bent


Molly Shore

With this year’s shows already booked at the city’s Creative Arts

Center gallery, Kim Freed, the center’s new recreation supervisor, is

already looking ahead to next year’s shows.

“We haven’t pinned down specific artists,” Freed said. “We’re

looking at local artists who are bringing their work in, as well as

those who are registered with the Slide Registry of Los Angeles.”

When the city’s new fiscal year budget for 2003-2004 is developed,

Freed said she will have a better idea how much money the center will

have to work with.

She will also be in charge of recreation classes at the arts

center and at Olive Recreation Center.

Freed, 33, transferred to the arts center from the sports office,

where she was a recreation supervisor for four years. For the past

two years, she headed the youth sports program.

During Freed’s 11 years with the city, she has had progressively

responsible positions in the Parks, Recreation and Community Services

Department, and has consistently performed outstanding work,

Recreation Services Manager Gwen Indermill said.

“This was a great opportunity for Kim to expand her career

experiences with the department,” Indermill said.
