
Leader taken to task for coverage of teenager’s memorial service


The Leader’s Aug. 30 coverage of the Alisa Belcourt funeral stands as

a perfect example of the press’s tendency toward poor judgment in

determining what constitutes news.

Regrettably, society has become accustomed to the funerals of

celebrities being covered like movie premieres or sporting events.

But when did the last rites for a 15-year-old private citizen become

appropriate material for front-page, color coverage accompanied by a

story that breathlessly informed the public at exactly what point the

young lady’s father broke [down] during his eulogy?

Your photographs of youngsters grieving and of a father and his

daughters at the altar inside a church were in appalling bad taste.

Alisa’s death was a news event. Her funeral was a private matter

and your decision to cover it as you did warrants, in my opinion, a

crack across the knuckles or perhaps a knee to the groin. Shame on




* EDITOR’S NOTE: The Aug. 28 memorial service for Alisa Belcourt

was public. The Leader obtained permission from Father Robert

Gallagher of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church to cover the

