
Time for fresh blood on council


I see with the election drawing near, Golonski’s army is on the move. Wow. His soldiers are getting worried and on the attack. They bring David Gordon down and say what a bad council person he is. What a joke.

As a 30-year resident of Burbank, Gordon is the best thing that has happened to Burbank politics in all that time. He truly cares about the welfare of the citizens of Burbank. He is truly articulate, and his probing deeply into the issues that effect his constituents is refreshing, to say the least. He handles Golonski like putty, and is the only person not hanging onto his coattails. I can see why Golonski’s backers are getting nervous. His tenure is finally nearing a close, as shown by his voter response in the primary.

We truly need fresh blood on the council. Electing Bob Frutos was a great beginning. Let’s keep the ball rolling and vote for Gordon and Nos on election day.

Steve Urbanovich
