
Andrissa Dominguez


Name: Andrissa Dominguez

Age: 40

Birth place: Copenhagen, Denmark

How long have you lived in Huntington Beach? 40 years

Occupation: full-time mom and a playground supervisor

Education: associate’s degree

Previously elected or appointed positions: California Head Start Assn. Board of Directors; Orange County Head Start Policy Council chairwoman; Orange County Head Start Board of Directors; Smith School PTA (vice president of ways and means); Dwyer Middle School (school site council); Goldenwest College ASGWC finance commissioner.

Community organizations you belong to: currently unaffiliated

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Huntington Beach right now? Over development

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got right and why would you have supported it? I am happy that the council voted to save our little Main Street library and park. We have been overdeveloping and need balance so we can retain the charm of Huntington Beach for future generations.

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently? I don’t like that they took away our fire rings on the beach. I can’t see taking away from our residents’ enjoyment of our beach is good for anyone.
