
Merchants deserve thanks, despite lack of coverage...


Merchants deserve thanks, despite lack of coverage

I am writing to the News-Press to pass along my thoughts about the

big Arts & Crafts Festival [on June 5-6] in Montrose. I enjoyed every

minute of it -- I attended both days -- and felt so proud that such a

wonderful and well-organized event was hosted in my hometown. I met

visitors from all over Southern California at the festival.

Now, I don’t want to be critical about my local newspaper, because

I love the News-Press, but the puny little article follow-up in the

paper on Monday morning got me thinking about how Cruise Night in

Glendale will be covered. I know that if last year is any measure,

the writers and reporters will be all over every nuance of that

event. So why not the Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival? The article I

read by Gary Moskowitz mentioned that 50,000 visitors attended the

festival. I wonder how many will attend Cruise Night that will

justify the huge coverage it generates.

That aside, I believe that the Shopping Park merchants deserve the

thanks and support of our community. They made Montrose shine. Good

food, exceptional entertainment, fresh produce and fantastic,

creative arts and craft items were everywhere and around every corner

and in every nook in Montrose for two days of fun. I can’t wait for

next year. I am so proud of our merchants for sponsoring this event.

I can’t say “thank you” loud, or often, enough.



Time does indeed fly when having fun in Montrose

My whole family attended the Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival. I

can only say WOW! I thought nothing would top last year, but the

Montrose merchants group did it again.

In a word, the event was huge, and filled with as exceptional a

selection of crafts and art as I have seen at any crafts show. This,

combined with all of the wonderful bands and activities for children

and the farmers market, made me sorry the weekend ended so soon.



An unexpected, extended stay by an out-of-towner

I attended the Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival [on June 5]

intending to drop by and just check it out. What I found there truly

stunned me.

What a glorious old town they have there, tucked right up against

the 210 Freeway. With the mountains as the backdrop on one side and a

surreal view of downtown Los Angeles in the distance on the other, I

was surrounded by art of every conceivable kind, really great music

and even organic strawberries. But what really gets me is just how

beautiful this little town is.

I have to say that in our hometown of Burbank, whether at the mall

or the stores along San Fernando Road, it’s all the same names and

products I see in literally every other mall and town in which I

travel. But, dare I say it, Montrose is different. These stores are

still one of a kind, and each has a unique personality. I never would

have discovered any of this had I not been lured out of my own


I attended thinking I would just drop in for a visit, and stayed

the whole day. Guess you can figure out where I’ll Christmas shop

this year!



City would benefit if Drayman was on the dais

In [the June 8] Readers Response section, I enjoyed hearing from

Mr. John Drayman from Montrose regarding letters about him and

Councilman Dave Weaver. I thought his message was very well put,

thoughtful and intelligent. In short, it reflected the caliber of a

person who could greatly benefit our city by including his presence

and professionalism on our City Council.

I have read few letters in the News-Press that speak to the public

with the level of grace and reason as Mr. Drayman’s letter did.

Clearly, he does not share Mr. Weaver’s views, but believes those

differences are a sufficient area to draw distinctions rather than

name-calling. I for one appreciate that, and I appreciate him for

raising the level of dialogue in this paper and in our community.

Now, my only question is whether his letter was an announcement of

his candidacy? Here is where Mr. Weaver and I would probably

disagree. I would love to see Mr. Drayman run for City Council. I

would encourage others who feel as I do to let Mr. Drayman know that

all of us, in all regions of this city, need his skills in building a

sense of community within the many geographic and demographic areas

of our city.

Mr. Drayman, I have not read any other letter that asks the

question directly, so I will.

Will you run?


