
City is lucky to have the Americana


I read with interest your Jan. 18 letter titled “What public benefit would come of Caruso’s quest?” Really? You can’t think of anything?

Glendale, like most cities in our state, is swimming in red ink, and with our newly elected governor threatening more cuts including debating the existence of redevelopment, deficits will grow. The city of Glendale could be facing an $8-million deficit next year, even after painful cuts.

Just think how much worse it could have been, if not for the city’s vision to redevelop downtown and support Rick Caruso in his efforts to build the Americana at Brand.

The Americana is generating millions of dollars in revenue, and as our economy improves, so will tax revenue for this city. More Southern California residents visit us because of the Americana, and supporting its expansion makes perfect sense from a financial and marketing perspective.

Caruso has said that expanding the Americana would generate $800,000 more a year in tax revenue that will be used to help police, fire and other services.

The debate over the hotel/motel owner is pathetically transparent. Most investors would have taken advantage of the proximity to the Americana and executed a significant remodel, re-branded the motel as an upper-end boutique hotel, yet Golden Key Hotel owner Ray Patel does nothing but criticizes, and sues Caruso and the city suggesting they have hurt his business.

Clearly, Henry David, the owner of the adjacent vacant building, has recognized the benefit to both the city and the opportunity to be purchased by Caruso. While the hotel owner has every right to be treated and compensated fairly, it is time for this city to finish what should have been done years ago.

Tony Maniscalchi

