
Police should cite errant bicyclists


I would like to respond to the anti-Councilman Dave Weaver letter by Scott Lowe (“A cyclist’s open letter to Councilman Weaver,” May 3).

I don’t ride a bike in Glendale, but I would like to see the Glendale Police Department enforce the vehicle code on all the adult bicyclists who ignore stop signs and cut off motor vehicles. I suppose these cyclists believe they are saving the planet by riding a bike and feel that they are above the law.

Maybe if these people are ticketed enough, they will finally grow up and act like responsible adults.

Phillip Pilgram


Attacks against Manoukian unwarranted

I have read a letter in your paper unfairly attacking Councilman Rafi Manoukian and his most recent decisions to nominate members of this community to city commissions (“Manoukian’s nominees have curious ties,” May 5).

It has been a while since I have written to this paper, but after reading the most recent attacks, I find myself writing this letter to address some of the unfortunate comments.

First, it is apparent that the losers in the race are now attacking Manoukian as they are bitter with their loss. Glendalians know that defeated candidates and their supporters sometimes will throw mud at the winner, but we know the motivation behind their comments and attacks.

Second, I voted for Manoukian because he promised change in the City Council. Manoukian and I have not always agreed on all issues in the past. In fact, we are from different parties. However, I respected his passion for his positions and he has always allowed others with different viewpoints to discuss their visions with him prior to making any decisions.

The City Council voted a few years ago to allow each City Council member to nominate their commission candidates. The council understood that once a candidate is elected to the office by his constituents, he/she has a duty to follow through with his/her promises during the campaign. The most important venue to address that change is in nominating individuals with his same viewpoint to city commissions. Other council members should respect his nominations and not unfairly discount the vote of constituents requesting change in the city.

Citizens of this great city voted for Manoukian and we will continue to support your views. Move ahead without any reservations.

Third, some believe that attacking citizens of this city will be tolerated because they do not share the same viewpoints. This is outrageous and unacceptable. Every member of this community deserves respect. Attacks on nominees for commission or others that serve on pro-bono basis should not be tolerated.

The attackers have no regard for the feelings of others and will attack a citizen’s reputation without any consideration or reasonable justification. To those who were unfairly attacked by writers in this paper, when you are criticized, remember that it is often done because it gives the kicker a feeling of importance. It often means that you are accomplishing something and you are worthy of attention.

Best wishes to you, Manoukian, and good luck in dealing with those who want to derail the path you have chosen.

Albert Abkarian


Council should vet qualified nominees

The commissioner nomination system (“Manoukian’s nominees have curious ties,” May 5) needs to cast a wider net to find the best and the brightest professionals in the city.

From my years of observation of this process, it is rife with problems of conflict of interest and, not infrequently, nepotism, sheer incompetence, or consistent lack of preparation by sitting commissioners.

Incoming council members should avoid using this system to reward campaign supporters and choose instead from a wide selection of applicants experienced in directing organizations and who are confident in exercising rational decision making.

We can’t have commissioners in awe of the city staff, or unwilling to take the heat for choosing the city’s quality of life as their guiding motivation.

Conflicted commissioners be gone!

Herbert Molano


FOR THE RECORD: A previous version of this Mailbag incorrectly stated Molano’s city of residence as being Glendale.
