
Those plastic bags do come in handy


The Glendale City Council is considering banning plastic grocery and other carryout plastic bags (“Council moves toward bag ordinance,” Oct. 26).

I fully agree that these bags are an environmental anathema and should be controlled. Certainly, groceries can easily be transported out of stores with personal reusable bags, replacing plastic or paper ones.

But let’s not forget that plastic bags can also be very useful in our daily lives and can’t be easily replaced. They are good waste basket liners and are particularly useful for holding non-garbage disposal and non-recyclable kitchen waste.

They are essential for collecting dog poop on daily walks and are by far the most convenient, easily portable container for the absurd amounts of trash I pick up on weekly hikes in the Verdugos.

So let’s control the plastic bags, but still leave them available in some way (purchase?) for the many personal uses for which there are no easy substitutes.

Robert Morrison

