
A fan of Calendar, cartoonist


I really appreciate your Calendar feature. I have gone to many events listed there that I would not have known about otherwise.

This week I attended the Persian Festival at Glendale College that was listed in the calendar. It was great, I got to see some of the special decorations Persians put in their homes around New Year, chat with a woman selling books about Persian miniature paintings and the history of Persia, see and hear Persian music and dancing. Other events I have attended that I saw in the calendar were a “seed-saving” seminar at one of the community gardens and an anniversary celebration at a Montrose motorcycle shop. Thanks.

I also enjoy the editorial cartoons by Bert Ring. I haven’t traveled much, but I tend to doubt that most newspapers not connected with really big cities have editorial cartoonists. It’s good to get an additional perspective. Perhaps you’d do a feature on Ring, his biography, how he began editorial cartooning and where he gets his ideas.

Greg Dahlen
