
Letter: Offering another statue suggestion


Re: “Statue could use some company,” Mailbag, Nov. 20. Nancy Comeau makes an excellent suggestion about memorials in Glendale when she says that our park statues should celebrate peace, harmony and unity.

In the past, Japanese exchange students have visited Glendale high schools each year. I recently received a letter from their chaperon, expressing his own and his students’ sadness about the dispute, and that it has resulted in their being unable to visit next year. These young Japanese students, as well as the children and grandchildren of Glendale citizens who were placed in Japanese internment camps during the war, only know Glendale as a friendly home and place to visit for those of Japanese descent.

Perhaps a fitting, and — as Ms. Comeau put it — a source of “creative and conciliatory conversations” would be a group statue of children, arm-in-arm, representing the diverse cultures that now live in harmony in Glendale.

Daniel Cabrera
