
Letter: Development’s size betrays ordinance


On Dec. 2 the City Council will review an appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of a residential project that was reviewed under the Hillside Ordinance.

The project approved by the Planning Commission is for construction of a two-story single-family residence totaling 4,770 square feet exclusive of a 2,200 square foot basement. The street on which this project sits is a narrow one, lined with houses averaging approximately 2,200 square feet.

With a couple of exceptions, the existing homes on the street are single-story structures. The existing second-story structures have one room on those second stories and are positioned such that no neighbor’s views are compromised.

The Hillside Ordinance fairly apprises buyers of property that any proposed project must be harmonious with the existing buildings in the area. The ordinance has several factors that a project must meet in order to receive approval. The Hillside Ordinance also gives existing property owners a sense of what will and will not be acceptable building in a particular neighborhood. In this situation, however, the Planning Commission disregarded those factors. This is an ordinance that must be given some teeth if its stated purpose is to be upheld.

Prior letters to the editor have addressed concerns with out-of-scale projects in the community. Please express concerns to the City Council so that this over-development of hillside property does not continue.

Linda Pierce
La Cañada Flintridge
