
Letter: Section 8 housing would ruin city


La Cañada is a precious jewel among the very ordinary and common cities that surround us. Why? For two reasons. Because of our school system and because of the uncongested “small town” atmosphere and our lovely single family neighborhoods.

Building Section 8 affordable housing would be the “camel’s nose under the tent.” It would only lead to dragging La Cañada down to the malaise of a city of jam-packed apartments and transient residents. To those bureaucrats who would tell us that it’s required by law I would say, like Mr. Bumble in Dickens’ “Oliver Twist”: “If the law supposes that, then the law is an ass.” And to those who would say we “owe it” to the lesser advantaged, well, there’s always Tujunga.

Let’s not allow a law or bureaucrat to ruin our lovely city.

Trent Sanders
La Cañada Flintridge
