What will be on your Thanksgiving plate? It depends on where you’ll be

By Ally J. Levine

As Americans gather around the dinner table this Thanksgiving, the food on their plates will differ — except for stuffing; nearly everyone eats stuffing. We looked at Google search trends of holiday recipes to find regional differences.

Live in California? Good news. You may be getting fried turkey and Brussels sprouts. Feasting in Louisiana? Even better news. Pecan pie may be on the menu, even though it’s less common throughout the country.

Select your state to find what people are searching for near you:

plate turkey sweet savory pie stuffing

It’s smoked turkey this year

Looking for advice on preparing their turkeys, most Americans in the Midwest are searching for how to smoke their Thanksgiving bird. The coasts like fried turkey and traditionalists have banded together in the Northeast. The search trends are ranked from 0 to 100 with 100 being the most popular.

Smoked turkey
Fried turkey
Roast turkey

Split on sweet side dishes

The country is divided in its search for a sweet side dish. Cranberry sauce is popular in the North and West, while sweet potato casserole is most commonly searched for in the Southern states.

Cranberry sauce
Sweet potato casserole

More mashed potatoes, please

In searches for savory side dishes, Brussels sprouts are popular on the coasts, while green bean casserole and mashed potatoes are destined for plates across the country.

Green bean casserole
Mashed potatoes
Brussels sprouts
Tie (mashed potatoes/green bean casserole)

Pie anyone?

Pumpkin and apple pie are neck in neck for the most popular pie recipe search this Thanksgiving. Pecan is popular in the deep south.

Pumpkin pie
Apple pie
Pecan pie
Tie (pumpkin/apple)

Yams or sweet potatoes?

Around many dinner tables, whether you're eating yams or sweet potatoes is up for debate. Technically, they're two different things. Californians are among the Americans most commonly searching for “yams,” but nationally the search for “sweet potatoes” is more widespread.

Most searched Least searched


"Sweet potatoes"