
La Canada History: Snow fell one week, then highs reached 86-degrees the next

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Ten Years Ago

The La Cañada Flintridge City Council was given a preview of a $100-million master plan to upgrade facilities at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The plan called for three new main buildings to replace many of the pre-1960 buildings, trailers and temporary modular structures on the site.

Twenty Years Ago

Sheriff’s deputies were called in to investigate when anti-Semitic literature was discovered one Monday morning in February 1994 in the first floor lockers of seventh- and eight-grade students at La Cañada High School. Approximately 40 fliers had been stuffed into lockers. Students who found them took them to school staff members, who in turn reported the crime to the local sheriff’s station.

Thirty Years Ago

La Cañada Flintridge resident Harvey Price received the highest honor given to volunteers with the Boy Scouts when he was presented with the Silver Beaver award. Price, who retired in 1979 as chief scout executive, the top professional leader of the Boy Scouts of America, had also served scouting as a volunteer in many different capacities. His award was presented by Gerald R. Ford, former president of the United States.

Forty Years Ago

Mrs. Robert Allen, then president of La Cañada Town and Country Fine Arts Club, presented Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Ayres with the organization’s “Couple of the Year” award in appreciation for their service to this community. The two were leaders in horticulture, medicine, science and the cultural arts. Their estate on El Camino Corto was known locally as a paradise of blooms gathered from around the world.

Fifty Years Ago

Formation of a La Cañada Valley Beautiful organization, joining 129 such groups in Southern California, took place at a founders’ meeting held at La Cañada Country Club that was sponsored by the Valley Garden Club. Invitations were sent to eight community organizations, asking them to send a representative so that an executive board could be established for the new beautification group.

Sixty Years Ago

Despite a cold winter storm that brought rain and snow to the Southland in late January 1954, one week later La Cañada was registering daytime highs over a three-day period that ranged from 86 to 89 degrees.

-- Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci.


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