
Thursday Club presents 18 Les Fleurettes

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In a local tradition that stretches back to the early 1950s, 18 young women will be presented to society on Saturday evening, when the La Cañada Thursday Club holds its annual black-tie event, the Bal Blanc de Noel at the Omni Los Angeles Hotel.

Les Fleurettes who will take their bows at the gala are Lacy Sierra Coan, Kaitlin Ashley Cochran, Tyler Lauren Faulkner, Alexandra Mac Dhubhain Graves, Jenna Elise Grey, Jordan Taylor Jones, Poleen Kozakjian, Kellyn Andrea O’Leary, Gayaneh Sabine Puglia, Neiki Maryam Rokni, Sarah Louise Sellman, McKenna Amber Smith, Nicole Danielle Stevens, Mallory AnnMay Susank, Jennifer Lee Thornton, Courtney Elizabeth Ramage Wagner, Elizabeth Marie Whan and Madison Riley Witt.

PHOTOS: See this year’s Les Fleurettes

The teens completed a 16-month program of social and community service, cultural education, personal development training and etiquette instruction.

Serving as presenter for the evening will be Anthony Portantino, a former mayor of La Cañada Flintridge and former state assemblyman. Jeanie Kay, president of the Thursday Club, will present the traditional camellia charm to each debutante as a gift from the club. Following the presentation, the debutantes will dance the traditional first waltz with their fathers.

Chairing the ball is Thursday Club member Judy Cooper. Debutante program chair is Jody Platisa and Patti Wickersham has served as program chair for the debutante class. Marla Thornton is provisional chair and event committee members include Jeanie Kay, Sheri Morton and Kim Ortiz.

More details about this year’s 18 Les Fleurettes follows.

Lacy Coan

Lacy Sierra Coan is the daughter of Hannah and Michael Coan and the granddaughter of Margaret Mary Coan. She is a senior at Flintridge Preparatory School. She and her family lived in Kirkland, Wash. until Lacy’s sophomore year.

Lacy has been awarded the Bronze California Scholar Award and is an Advanced Placement Scholar. She won the J.P. Blecksmith Award given to the outstanding Flintridge junior who embodies the qualities of leadership, scholarship, athletic commitment and public service. She is the publicity chair of the Spanish Honor Society, a peer counselor, and a captain of the Athletic Council on Leadership. She is also a member of the Prep League Athletic Council.

She is a captain of the school’s cross-country team and was awarded first team all-league and second team All-Area honors in 2013. She is also a captain of her high school basketball team where she plays small forward. This past season, she helped lead her basketball team to a first-place league finish and she was selected to the All-League First Team. She also runs distance track and pole vaults.

Lacy loves to travel and recently went to Nicaragua with her school. She lived with a host family and volunteered in a kindergarten class and at the local hospital. She also helped to lead sports camps for the children.

Lacy plans to attend a university and major in international relations.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Alejandro Roberto Hirsch Marin.

Kaitlin Cochran

Kaitlin Ashley Cochran is the daughter of Lisa and Joseph Cochran, and the granddaughter of Eloise and the late Howard Siskel. She is a senior at Westridge School for Girls. Kaitlin is a publicity chair for her provisional debutante class.

Kaitlin is an honors history and art student who has taken fine art classes at the Art Center College of Art and Design in Pasadena. For the past two years, she has been a featured speaker in poetry and design at the Westridge Voices in Literature Conference. She is part of the Westridge Service Committee and she is the co-chair of the LiNK Club, which is dedicated to helping individuals seeking liberty in North Korea. For the past two years, she has tutored learning challenged students.

A member of her school’s varsity track team for four years competing in the triple jump, long jump, high jump and the 100 meters, she has received the Heart of the Track team award.

Kaitlin was the costume designer for a local summer theatre production and often assists Westridge’s drama department in costume design and tech. She has sung the role of Fantine in a production of “Les Miserables.” She enjoys being an intern with an up-and-coming fashion designer and received the APLA Designer award for Young Talent.

She has an intense interest in all things vintage. She loves to explore antique and second-hand stores with her friends.

Kaitlin plans to attend a university in the Pacific Northwest focusing on ethics, law and design.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Bryce Patrick Lew.

Tyler Faulkner

Tyler Lauren Faulkner is the daughter of Jari and Jerry Faulkner. She is a senior at Flintridge Preparatory School and a member of the California Scholarship Federation. She was awarded the President’s Award for Educational Excellence.

She lettered four years in basketball and served as a captain of the varsity basketball team. She also lettered in softball and volleyball. She was a student ambassador at her school. She is also a peer counselor and a member of the Athletic Council on Leadership.

Tyler loves sports. She has played on several All-Star soccer teams, and went to the National Championship for AAU basketball. She eventually chose basketball as her main sport. She lettered four years in basketball, plays both positions of guard and forward.

Because of her love for basketball, she has been a volunteer coach at Practice Makes Perfect basketball camp for children. She has also worked with young people at the Police Activities League, sponsored by the Pasadena Police Department.

Tyler enjoys traveling. She has been on several monthlong vacations in the U.S. and has visited more than 30 states. Her favorite vacation was a train trip to Seattle that went from the coastline of California to the mountains of Oregon and Washington.

Tyler plans on attending a university to prepare for a career in dentistry. One of her goals is to be able to donate her dental services to people in underdeveloped countries.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Carlo Gianni Taglioretti.

Alexandra Graves

Alexandra Mac Dhubhain Graves is the daughter of Anna Graves and Hugh Mac Dhubhain. She is a senior at Flintridge Preparatory School.

Alexandra was awarded the Pursuit of Excellence Award at her school for her academic achievement in conjunction with her extracurricular activities. She is also a National Merit Scholar, an Advanced Placement Scholar and a member of the California Scholarship Federation. She has been on the honor roll at Flintridge her entire high school career.

At school, Alexandra is co-president of the Spanish Honor Society, a sector head for the Student Community Action Council, and an executive member of the Library Advisory Council. She headed up the prom committee, and loves being involved with clubs and organizations such as Peer Counseling, Student Senate and Chorus. She has also played varsity volleyball and was on the track and field team, and especially enjoyed pole vaulting. She still makes time for her childhood equestrian sport of hunter/jumper.

Over the summer, Alexandra was chosen to travel with her school to Nicaragua to do community service work with St. Mary’s Bilingual School and La Mascota Hospital. She speaks proficient Spanish.

Alexandra makes community service one of her top priorities, and especially loves to work with the Special Olympics athletes. She enjoys motocross with her father and two brothers, and looks forward to snowboarding each winter with her older sister. In her free time, Alexandra enjoys going to Flintridge sporting events and spending time with her friends.

Alexandra plans to attend a university in Washington, D.C. or New York City and hopes to eventually go to law school and pursue a career as an attorney working with entrepreneurs and start-up companies.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Jonathan Hong Zen Wang.

Jenna Elise Gray

Jenna Elise Gray is the daughter of Susan and James Gray, and the granddaughter of Mary Streeter and Yvonne Boseker. She is a senior at La Cañada High School. Jenna is the president of the 2014 provisional debutante class.

Jenna is a member of the California Scholarship Federation and the National Honor Society. She is the senior class representative to the La Cañada High School Associated Student Body. She is the vice president of the Athletic Leadership Council at her school where she organizes community service events, and works to increase school spirit and athletic involvement.

She has played on La Cañada’s Varsity Volleyball team for three years, and was the starting outside hitter for the past two years. This year, she was recognized as part of the Rio Hondo All-League Second Team.

Jenna served as a princess on the Miss La Cañada Flintridge 2014 Royal Court. She enjoyed representing her city and learning about the businesses that make up the local chamber of commerce.

In her free time, Jenna likes to ski, cook and travel internationally. She learned to ski at a young age, and spends time in Mammoth with her family every winter. Jenna lived in Switzerland for three years. In July, she and her father hiked to the summit of Mt. Whitney. She also enjoys local hiking trips with her friends and family and being outdoors.

Last year, Jenna loved and was inspired by her sports medicine class. In the spring, she placed seventh in the nation in the Sports Medicine Competition. She plans to study biomedical engineering at a university.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is her brother, Andrew James Gray.

Jordan Jones

Jordan Taylor Jones is the daughter of Donna Jones and the granddaughter of Adrienne Sannes. She is a senior at Flintridge Preparatory School in La Cañada. She is a publicity chair for her provisional debutante class.

Jordan was nominated to the National Student Leadership Conference and attended their Mastering Leadership Program at UC Berkeley. She has qualified for the California Scholarship Federation throughout high school as well as making the honor roll and dean’s list.

She has been a member of the Flintridge Cheer and Dance Team for four years and was chosen this year to be a captain. She has been a member of the Spanish Honor Society and served as president in her junior year. She has volunteered extensively with Pasadena Head Start. She has enjoyed working with the Special Olympics athletes for the past several years.

Jordan has been a Girl Scout and has earned her Bronze and Silver awards. She loves camping and traveling, and she enjoyed many summers on Catalina Island. Her favorite travel memory is of her trip to Germany last summer and traveling through the countryside. She treasured seeing the historic buildings and the city life in Munich and is now interested in learning German.

Jordan enjoys writing and has seen her poetry published. She has taken online creative writing classes from the University of Missouri. She is also developing an interest in investments and international business.

She plans to attend a university with an excellent study abroad program, so she can spend at least one semester in another country.

She is being presented by her uncle, Thomas Edward Jones. Her escort is Christopher Louis Brummett.

Poleen Kozakjian

Poleen Kozakjian is the daughter of Anna Kozakjian. She is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Poleen has been an honor student throughout her years at La Cañada High School, where she is a member of the Feed the Children Club and the French Club. She has a strong interest in psychology, which has been introduced to her by her AP Psychology course. She has served as an editor on the school newspaper for all four years of high school.

For three years, Poleen enjoyed being a stat girl for the wrestling team, where she kept the scores and was in charge of the program’s paperwork. She has volunteered extensively for other community and school events, and enjoys being of service to others. Her favorite volunteer opportunity was working at a Frostig Center fundraiser last year.

In her free time, Poleen likes to express herself creatively through painting, music and the theater. She also enjoys cooking and baking for her family. She played the flute for two years and the violin for three years. She studied French and the French culture through her school programs. Poleen has a great interest in fashion. She loves putting together unique and stylish outfits each day.

She loves children, and has enjoyed working as a baby sitter and helping families organize special events and birthday parties.

Poleen plans on going to a university. Her major is undecided, but she is leaning toward a bachelor’s degree in psychology or business.

She is being presented by James Michael Van De Voorde. Her escort is Ryan David Paynter.

Kellyn O’Leary

Kellyn Andrea O’Leary is the daughter of Lynn and Daniel O’Leary, and the granddaughter of Eva Combs. Her sister Lauren is a 2010 Les Fleurettes debutante. Kellyn is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Kellyn is a member of the National Honor Society and the California Scholarship Federation. She has been on the dean’s list at La Cañada High School for the last four semesters. Kellyn has been an active participant in her school’s “Help the Homeless” club.

She plays softball with USA Athletics, a Long Beach softball organization, and is the captain of her team. Her travel softball career has taken her throughout California and to Florida, Colorado, Utah and Texas for tournaments. Her athletic talent and commitment to softball has been the focus of the last few years. Kellyn is in her fourth year of playing softball for the LCHS Spartans and is currently a starting pitcher on the varsity team.

Kellyn is active in her church, where she serves as a small group leader for younger members. She loves animals and volunteers as a dog-behavior specialist at the Pasadena Humane Society. Kellyn is passionate about recycling and minimizing the drain on Earth’s natural resources. She is particularly fascinated by environmentally sensitive home design.

One of Kellyn’s major goals in life is to travel the world. She has already traveled extensively in Europe, and is hoping to travel soon to Ireland, England and Australia.

Kellyn plans to go to a university on the East Coast to study architecture, business and environmental sciences.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Travis Anthony Martinez.

Sabine Puglia

Gayaneh Sabine Puglia is the daughter of Kaitzer and Joseph Puglia, and the granddaughter of Papkin and Arpineh Hovasapian. She is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Sabine is a member of the National Honor Society, the California Scholarship Federation, the Parent Teacher Student Assn., Best Buddies Club, the LCHS Honor Court, and is a princess on the 2014 Miss La Cañada Flintridge Royal Court. This fall, Sabine was honored to be chosen as the 2014 LCHS Homecoming Queen.

Sabine enjoys music, plays the violin and sings as a soprano in the La Cañada High School Concert Choir. In 2012, she toured Eastern Europe with the Concert Choir, and is looking forward to the Concert Choir tour of four cities in Spain this year. Sabine has also been a member of the High School Pep Squad for four years, and is currently a varsity song leader. During her freshman and sophomore years, Sabine was on freshman and varsity cheer and was a flaggie her junior year.

Sabine is in the process of earning her Girl Scout Gold Award, which will document the war stories of veterans and will be submitted for collection in the Library of Congress. She is also planning a trip to Armenia to visit her maternal great grandparent’s homes.

Sabine enjoys reading, cooking, tap dancing, playing with her dog Theo, singing, swimming and eating her grandmother’s cookies. She has studied Spanish for four years and will continue her studies in the Armenian language as well.

Sabine plans to go to a university to work toward a degree in biology or biochemistry.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Luke Daniel Sanasarian.

Neiki Rokni

Neiki Maryam Rokni is the daughter of Shahin and Mark Rokni. She is a senior at Flintridge Preparatory School. Neiki is the secretary of the provisional debutante class.

Neiki is a member of the California Scholarship Federation, and has been on the dean’s list all four years of high school. She is an Advanced Placement Scholar with Honors.

Neiki has been a member of the Spanish Honor Society and Yearbook Club for the past two years. She is also part of Flintridge Student Senate, holding the position of Middle School Commissioner. Neiki is on the school’s Conduct Review Board and is the Recruitment Chair of her school’s Republican Club. Neiki has played volleyball for four years at Flintridge.

She enjoys helping others and serving her community. She volunteers at USC-Verdugo Hills Hospital. She has been a camp counselor at her school’s Afternoon Activities Summer Camp for four years. This past summer Neiki traveled to Nicaragua as part of Flintridge’s international student exchange program to work with Saint Mary’s elementary school and La Mascota Children’s Hospital.

Neiki enjoys doing ceramics. She has been playing the piano for 12 years and has performed in several recitals. Neiki has been studying Spanish since elementary school and is fluent in Persian. During her free time, Neiki loves reading books, cooking, watching her favorite TV shows and shopping. Spending time with her family is also important and she enjoys visiting with her grandparents once a week.

Neiki plans on going to a university to earn a degree in human biology and continue on to medical school.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Miles Angus Harber.

Sarah Sellman

Sarah Louise Sellman is the daughter of Joy and Kirk Sellman, and the granddaughter of Susan and Richard McCloskey. She is a senior at La Cañada High School. Sarah is the vice president of her provisional debutante class.

Sarah is a member of the National Honor Society and the California Scholarship Federation, and has been recognized as an Advanced Placement Scholar with Honors. She is devoted to serving her school through her activities with the Associated Student Body and is the senior class vice-president. She has also been a member of the La Cañada Athletic Leadership Council for two years, where she strives to increase school spirit and help other athletes to achieve their goals.

She just completed her fourth season of playing on the LCHS girls varsity volleyball team. She is nostalgic for the eight years she was a competitive dancer, and can be seen twirling around the school halls to classic rock songs.

Sarah has been a Girl Scout for 12 years and recently earned her Gold Award by renovating the patio of the Boys and Girls Club of Burbank with a new awning and furnishings. She then hosted art camps to decorate the area. Sarah was selected as one of 100 Girl Scouts from the Greater Los Angeles area to be an Emerging Leader of 2014. She plans to pursue her dreams at a university.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Benjamin Juanito Blanco.

McKenna Smith

McKenna Amber Smith is the daughter of Sandra and Clinton Smith. She is a senior at La Cañada High School.

McKenna has been a member of the LCHS pep squad for four years. She has been the varsity cheer captain for three years. While leading her team, she received the Captain’s Award and the Coach’s Award. In her freshman and junior years she was named Most Valuable Cheerleader. McKenna enjoys being a leader on her team and leading by example.

When McKenna was younger, she participated in the La Cañada Gladiator Junior All-American League. Because of her own early positive experience with this program, she now coaches and mentors youth cheer squads. She currently coaches girls in the seventh/eighth-grade midget division. McKenna was awarded with the “Desi Geestman Courage Award” in 2009 while cheerleading for La Cañada Gladiators.

At her school, McKenna earned awards in Spanish and math. She was acknowledged not only for academic success, but for positively influencing the work environment within the classes.

McKenna is a person who believes in giving back. Each year she coaches and supports Special Olympics teams and really enjoys supporting her cousin’s Special Olympics team.

When not volunteering, McKenna works part-time at the cafe in Mt. Wilson Observatory. She enjoys traveling, especially to Hawaii and Lake Tahoe. During her free time, McKenna enjoys going to the beach, riding dirt bikes and watching the Hallmark Channel.

McKenna plans on attending a university to become a teacher, focusing on special education.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is her cousin, Austin James Smith.

Nicole Stevens

Nicole Danielle Stevens is the daughter of Eileen and Gary Lee Stevens Jr. and is the granddaughter of Betty Stevens and Nectar and Vazgen Abramian. She is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Nicole is an Advanced Placement Scholar with Honors and has been a part of the California Scholarship Federation and the National Honor Society throughout her high school years. Nicole is the vice president of the Associated Student Body this year, and is in charge of hosting all elections for the student body and co-facilitating daily ASB meetings with the president. She has also served as junior class treasurer and was a class representative to ASB for two years. She is most proud of helping run successful school dances and hopes to continue the legacy this year.

She is involved in her church’s high school small group program, and the Crescenta -Cañada YMCA’s Youth and Government program. Nicole has had the opportunity to go to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas with Next Step Ministries where she helped build a house for HIV/AIDS patients.

She earned her Girl Scout Gold Award through her project which involved teaching children in Kenya about Internet safety and the importance of storytelling. While in Kenya, she visited six orphanages where she mentored local children and helped other Girl Scouts complete their projects. In her free time, Nicole enjoys playing lacrosse at LCHS and reading.

Nicole plans on attending a university to study business and would love to experience southern life. She hopes to be a politician someday so that she can inspire others to effect social change.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Thomas John Holguin.

Mallory Susank

Mallory AnnMay Susank is the daughter of Ava and Kevin Susank and the granddaughter of Beverly and Robert Sobraske and Edna Laker. Her sister Meaghan was a 2013 Les Fleurettes debutante. Mallory is a publicity chair for her provisional debutante class.

Mallory is a senior at La Salle High School in Pasadena. She is a member of the National Honor Society, the California Scholarship Federation and Pi Alpha Chi, a service organization on campus.

Mallory is an accomplished and talented musician. She plays the piano, the violin and sings. Mallory has played the violin since she was 6 years old and currently plays in her school strings ensemble. She has been a soprano in her school choir for two years and sings at many school functions.

Mallory has played golf since she was 7 years old. She has been on LaSalle’s Varsity Golf team for four years and is the team captain this year. Last year, she helped her team go to CIF finals and win the league championship.

Mallory has been a Girl Scout since she was in first grade. She achieved her Gold Award last June. She worked with the Pasadena Humane Society to incorporate her love of animals and knitting skills and made kitty cozies and dog scarves as part of her project. She spent more than 270 hours on the project. She has been a Girl Scout summer camp counselor for the past four years and has been chosen to carry a banner in the 2015 Rose Parade as a member of the Tournament of Roses Troop.

Mallory plans on attending a university and earning a degree in education.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is her brother, Matthew Aloysius Susank.

Jennifer Thornton

Jennifer Lee Thornton is the daughter of Marla and Thomas Holman Thornton III and the granddaughter of Catherine Lee Thornton and Robert Rhoads Stephenson. Her sister Allison was a 2012 Les Fleurettes debutante. Jennifer is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Jennifer excels in art, as well as math and science. She loves her art portfolio class. Last year, she was awarded Best Artist in Advanced Art 2. She attended a six-week pre-college program at Rhode Island School of Design last summer and pursued jewelry design.

She is an all-star cheerleader with Victory Cheer in Pasadena. She loves competing around the country. She has participated in cheerleading since second grade when she started with La Cañada Gladiator Cheer, following in her big sister’s footsteps. Her team has won numerous competitions including the 2014 U.S. Finals.

Jennifer has been a member of the swim team at LCHS for the past three seasons and looks forward to competing for the Spartans again this spring. She enjoys swimming the butterfly stroke. She also played two seasons on the girl’s water polo team.

She has been a Girl Scout for the past 13 years and earned her Bronze and Silver awards. She attended Tom Sawyer Camp for 12 years and worked as a junior counselor. She loves being outdoors, playing with kids, hiking, swimming, playing in the ocean, baking, reading, playing video games, watching scary movies, going to concerts and spending time with her friends.

She plans to attend to the Rhode Island School of Design to study illustration and design.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Matthew Roger Myers.

Courtney Wagner

Courtney Elizabeth Ramage Wagner is the daughter of Sharon Ramage-Wagner and Steven J. Wagner, and the granddaughter of Nancy Dodge Ramage. Courtney’s sister Sydney was a 2008 Les Fleurettes debutante. Courtney is a senior at La Cañada High School.

Courtney enjoys volunteering and has done several 5K runs that have benefited AIDS, breast cancer and childhood cancer research. She has had the opportunity to work with mentally challenged children at Club 21 in Pasadena and has participated in the LCHS Lunch Buddy club. Courtney is part of the Bridge program, a peer support group on her high school campus. Courtney shows her love of animals by raising money for the Pasadena Humane Society and by adopting or helping find homes for stray animals. The family’s latest addition is Mr. Kitty, who was abandoned near Descanso Gardens.

Her favorite place is a ranch in Solvang. Each year, she gathers with friends and family as part of an annual reunion and especially enjoys horseback riding. She has also traveled to Costa Rica, Canada, various states in the U.S. and Seattle, Wash.

Courtney is a member of the Trojan Dive Club, which dives at the USC campus. She finds diving to be exhilarating, and it has challenged and changed her life on many levels.

She has always had a keen eye for fashion and prides herself on her unique style. She frequently designs her own jewelry and has developed a fashion blog.

Courtney plans on studying psychology at a university on the East Coast.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Allen Wade Smith IV.

Elizabeth Whan

Elizabeth Marie Whan is the daughter of Lisa and Peter Whan and the granddaughter of Helen Whan. She is a senior at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy. She is one of the publicity chairs for her provisional debutante class.

Elizabeth is a member of the National Honor Society, the California Scholarship Federation and is on the Honor Roll. Elizabeth is active with Amnesty International and the Christian Action Movement clubs. Elizabeth is an active member at her church and currently serves on the high school ministry leadership team.

At Flintridge Sacred Heart, Elizabeth played basketball for two years and was a co-captain on the track and field team, where she specialized in field events. She earned a varsity letter in the shot put. Outside of her school teams, Elizabeth is an ice hockey fan. She is a member of the Pasadena Lady Maple Leafs ice hockey team.

She is an avid photographer, taking photos for her church, school and her father’s business. She has taken classes at the Art Center School of Design in Pasadena. She also participates as a brand representative for the clothing company Roxy.

Elizabeth has been a Girl Scout since Brownies and received her Gold Award in 2014. Her Gold award project involved teaching a photography class at Hillsides, a residence for at risk, vulnerable youth. Sharing her photographic expertise, she coordinated a program to inspire the girls to express their creativity through taking pictures around their campus. She received special accolades from the staff and the Girl Scout Council in creating an original project.

Elizabeth plans to attend a university to study sports management.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is Nathanael Bruce Clark.

Madison Witt

Madison Riley Witt is the daughter of Lisa and Craig Witt and the granddaughter of Lee and Ronald Del Guercio and Judith and Basil Witt. She is a senior at Flintridge Preparatory School.

Madison has been the captain of the varsity dive team at Flintridge for the last three years as well as a three-time All-American. She is the first woman to win a CIF Championship title for Flintridge Preparatory School. She is also an honor roll student.

For the last four years, Madison has been on the Future Olympic Squad for U.S.A. Diving. She is a National Team member and has competed internationally while representing the United States in Puerto Rico, Canada and Australia. She has brought home both a gold and bronze medal for Team USA.

Her diving schedule requires that she train six days a week with her club team in Mission Viejo. While her training and academic schedules are rigorous, she enjoys being with her close friends and family and is active in her church.

One of her favorite Les Fleurettes service programs was volunteering at Operation Gratitude which focuses on supporting U.S. troops stationed overseas. Madison appreciates this organization because it not only acknowledges the soldiers’ contribution but also the sacrifices of their family members.

She has accepted an athletic scholarship from the University of Southern California. In addition to competing as a diver on a NCAA Division I team, she plans on majoring in business with a minor in communications.

She is being presented by her father. Her escort is her brother, Brandon Jason Witt.
