
La Cañada History: Former senator, presidential candidate John Edwards makes a stop in LCF

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Ten Years Ago

Former U.S. senator from North Carolina and then-presidential candidate John Edwards, and his wife, Elizabeth, in March 2007 were guests at a private La Cañada Flintridge gathering of about 80 people that had been organized by Anthony Portantino, who was then representing the area in the state Assembly, and Los Angeles City Councilman Herb Wesson.

Twenty Years Ago

The 60-member Camden High School Concert Band from Camden, Australia, visited La Cañada High School. It was a reunion of sorts between the schools, as the Spartan band had visited the Aussies the previous year.

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Thirty Years Ago

Following up on action ordered by the La Canada Flintridge City Council, a county work crew began fencing the locally celebrated “Berkshire Rock” adjacent to Berkshire Avenue to keep vandals away. For years the site of artwork created by local teens who painted various designs on it, the large boulder had, by the mid-1980s, fallen victim to taggers.

Forty Years Ago

Martin L. Fisher, who had worked at the La Cañada post office for seven years prior to retiring to Leisure World in Laguna Hills, was one of the 583 fatalities that resulted from the Pan-Am/KLM jumbo jet collision on a Tenerife runway in the Canary Islands on March 27, 1977.

Fifty Years Ago

Stop signs were placed by the county at five different intersections along Palm Drive. The traffic control measures culminated a campaign by one of the street’s homeowners seeking to cut down on speeding cars on the inclined street near Palm Crest Elementary School.

Sixty Years Ago

Plans for a 181-home subdivision of the Gould Mesa north of JPL was approved by the Regional Planning Commission. The action allowed Godbey Development Co. of Sparr Heights to go ahead with its Enchanted Hills development, which William Godbey vowed would be one of the best subdivisions in the Southland.

Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci.
