
La Cañada History: Local filmmaker tapped by Steven Spielberg for TV series

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Ten Years Ago

A team comprising five La Cañada High School students captured first place in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s eighth annual Invention Challenge. It was the LCHS team’s second consecutive win in the competition. The judges were impressed by the efforts of Grant Scholler, Tomas Kanholm, Alex Kanholm, Douglas Chen and Chris Omae, who successfully invented a gadget that used three forms of energy to light a wooden match.

Twenty Years Ago

Will Moffitt was named the new president of the La Cañada Unified School District Governing Board in its annual reorganization meeting. Other leadership roles went to Jinny Dalbeck, vice president and Meredith Reynolds, clerk. Completing the board were Jeanne Broberg and Warren Jacob. During that fall’s general election season, no challengers emerged to run for Dalbeck and Reynolds’ open seats.

Thirty Years Ago

La Cañadan Phil Joanou, then 24 and fresh out of USC’s film school, directed a television episode of Steven Spielberg’s “Amazing Stories” that aired in December 1985. Joanou was asked by Spielberg to direct the ninth episode of the series,”Santa,’85,” after he saw the aspiring filmmaker’s student film, “The Last Chance Dance,” a comedy shot largely at La Cañada High, Joanou’s alma mater.

Forty Years Ago

Coming on the heels of a disappointing 2-7 season and three previous losing seasons, Dick Werntz resigned as head football coach at La Cañada High School. He was replaced by Marty McWhinney, who four seasons later led the Spartans to a CIF championship.

Fifty Years Ago

After a year of construction, the first services in the new Lutheran Church in the Foothills sanctuary were held on the first Sunday of December 1965.

Sixty Years Ago

A 30-foot high Christmas tree, fresh from its wilderness stand in the Sierra Madre mountains, was delivered to town and set up to be the focal point for the Community Christmas Party.

Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci
