
Local DAR chapter gathers at Oakmont for annual holiday luncheon

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Oakmont Country Club was the venue this month when members of Don Jose Verdugo Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution gathered for their annual holiday luncheon meeting.

“The members always look forward to getting together during the holiday season, when we share thoughts of the events we’ve participated in throughout the year,” said Elaine La Marr, a former chapter regent who handles public relations for the organization.

She added that the group takes particular pride in being able to offer annual Good Citizenship and JROTC awards to area high school students who have shown exceptional leadership qualities.

“Our work with students each year is very dear to all of our hearts,” La Marr said.

The Chapter was founded in 1953 and encourages education and patriotism not only with its student awards programs, but also by promoting Constitution Week, supporting veterans causes, donating to DAR schools in rural areas and contributing to support DAR buildings in Washington, D.C. such as Constitution Hall.

Members attending the recent luncheon meeting were Trudi Abram, Peggy Barber, Connie Cianciarulo, Liz Craven, Beverly Easley, Lucinda Frank, Evelyn Glenn-Kaufman, Susan Haigh, Mary Hassen, Sandy Hawley-Odessky, Betty Jones, Marie Jordan, Elaine La Marr, Cami Melbourne, Cathy Palermo, Jane Penn, Penny Phillips, Barbara Rogers, Suzanne Stanfill, Helen Steadman, Jeanette Sturdivant, Lynne Thompson, Amy Toczek, Becky Gelhaar, Trish Heckman, Karyn Smithson-Hughes, Marilyn Howard, Carol Stepper and guest speaker Loria Anne Ferrell.

DAR members are lineally descended from a man or woman who aided or served in the cause of American Independence. For more information about the local chapter, visit

Twitter: @CarolCormaci
