
Crime report: Temporarily unoccupied home hit by burglars third time since April

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July 5

Burglary, residence: 300 block of St. Katherine Drive. A woman told deputies the alarm at her mother’s unoccupied house was activated by an unknown person on May 12 at around 6 a.m. The alarm company dispatched their security and notified the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station but told the resident there was no indication a crime had been committed. When the woman visited the property at around 2:45 p.m. the same day the alarm went off, she noticed a linen closet inside the house had been ransacked. She later discovered pry marks on a bedroom at the southwestern corner of the house and saw the window was off its track. The woman went again to check on the home on July 2 and learned, after talking to her mother, that two envelopes containing an unspecified amount of cash had been taken from the linen closet. She also stated her mother had kept several pieces of jewelry in the linen closet but did not have specific information on the items. Deputies observed the pry marks and were told by the woman the bedroom had not been cleaned up from two previous burglaries that had occurred on the property in April.

July 6

Vandalism, greater than $400: 1400 block of Descanso Drive. A woman reported leaving her locked 2016 Mercedes E350 parked in the driveway of her home at around 10 p.m. the night before. At around 9:30 a.m. the next day, she got a call from her gardener that her car had been vandalized. She saw its rear window had been smashed, front and rear lights broken and the entire car had been scratched and dented with a sharp object. Nothing had been taken from the still-locked vehicle, but deputies noted the entire vehicle had been marked and punched in with a sharp object.

July 8

Mail theft: 5200 block of Donna Maria Lane. A man told deputies his mother had checked their curbside mailbox at around 8:30 a.m. that day and found it empty. At 10:45 a.m., the man received a notice from Ebay stating a 6-ounce bottle of “Ballistol” gun lube he’d ordered online had just been delivered to his home by the U.S. Postal Service. But when he checked the mailbox some 30 minutes later, the door was open and nothing was inside. He saw a neighbor’s adjacent mailbox door was also ajar.

Attempted mail theft: 5200 block of Alta Canyada Road. A woman reported that at around 11:12 a.m., while standing in her living room, she looked out onto the street and saw a gold or bronze-colored sedan pull up to her curbside mailbox. The car contained two men in their 30s, the driver a husky, dark-haired male and the passenger a dark-haired man of medium build. The passenger exited the vehicle, opened up the box and peered in before closing it and reentering the vehicle. The car drove off southbound on Alta Canyada Road and out of view.

Twitter: @SaraCardine
