
Crime Report: Burglar targets lockers at area gym; car break-ins continue

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April 17

Petty theft, unlocked vehicle: 1800 block of Fairmount Avenue. A man reported that sometime between 3 and 7 a.m. that day, someone entered his unlocked 2010 GMC Yukon, ransacked the interior and stole a parking pass, three house keys, a flashlight and a black bag containing miscellaneous gift cards and a Costco card.

Vehicle tampering: 4800 block of Tocaloma Lane. A man said he’d just installed a surveillance system at his home the day before and was reviewing footage that day when he saw a male adult attempt to enter his 2012 Toyota Rav 4 at around 3:12 a.m. by pulling on the driver’s door handle before walking away. The man had short hair and was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and long pants. His face was partially obscured by a piece of clothing.

Burglary, residence: Berkshire Place. A man told deputies sometime between 4:30 p.m. the day before and 7 a.m. that day, someone cut the chain links attached to a front gate lock and gained entry into his frontyard. The suspect(s) appeared to have used an unknown object to break the plywood around his unlocked front door in order to steal multiple boxes of Greystone European oak hardwood from inside.

Identity theft: 4100 block of Cambridge Road. A man said three weeks earlier he received a call from a collection agency claiming he’d co-signed on a credit card opened in August 2018 and that money was owed on the card. The next day, a bank representative told him the matter would be investigated as a potential fraud case, pending a police report.

Burglary, locker: 1900 block of Foothill Boulevard (Crescenta-Cañada YMCA). A man said at around 5:30 p.m. he placed his wallet and sunglasses inside a gym locker, securing it with a combination lock. He returned about an hour later and noticed the lock was missing and someone had stolen the glasses and his wallet, containing a driver’s license and State Bar of California card as well as credit cards and an unspecified amount of cash.

April 20

Burglary, locker: 1900 block of Foothill Boulevard (Crescenta-Cañada YMCA). A man told deputies at around 5:30 p.m. on April 17, he’d left his wallet inside a locker, securing it with a combination lock. When he returned an hour later, he discovered the lock was missing and someone had stolen his leather wallet, which contained a driver’s license, several cards and an unspecified amount of cash.

Compiled by Sara Cardine

Twitter: @SaraCardine
