
Firefighters ask La Cañadans to ‘Fill the Boot’ in support of Muscular Dystrophy Assn.

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Local firefighters grabbed their boots and hit the intersection of Foothill and Verdugo boulevards in La Cañada Thursday morning in a three-day “Fill the Boot” fundraiser benefiting the Muscular Dystrophy Assn.

Los Angeles County Fire Capt. Joe Linderoth from La Crescenta’s Station No. 63 was out at 9 a.m. with boot in hand asking motorists to contribute to the cause. He said the previous day’s efforts at the juncture of Foothill and La Cañada boulevards were a resounding success.

“From 9 a.m. to noon, we raised $2,300 just at this intersection,” Linderoth said. “The people of La Cañada Flintridge are very good to us.”

“Fill the Boot” is made possible by a 63-year partnership between MDA and the International Assn. of Fire Fighters (IAFF) that has helped raise more than $583 million since 1954 to fund research and uncover treatments and cures, according to In a similar event held last November, firefighters with the Los Angeles County Fire Department raised $175,000, organizers reported.

For new firefighter Jose Zavala, also from Station 63, this week’s fundraising event was a first.

“In the beginning, I felt a little shy,” he admitted. “But it’s really nice. People are thanking us. We even had people out yesterday with the hot weather. They were bringing us water.”

Linderoth said the fundraiser is a great way to meet and greet members of the local community, many of whom don’t get to talk to their local firefighters outside of an emergency situation. And for local responders who spent Wednesday afternoon fighting a brush fire in Burbank, it was a welcome respite.

“Any chance we have to interact with the public in a positive way, we just look at it as an opportunity,” the fire captain said.

Twitter: @SaraCardine
