
Curtis pulls ahead of fellow incumbent Spence but both councilmen remain top vote-getters

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As of Friday — with mail-in votes from Tuesday’s election still being processed by the county Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk — La Cañada Mayor Jon Curtis and Councilman Dave Spence remain in the winners column, but Curtis had pulled slightly ahead of Spence, earning a total of 2,062 votes to Spence’s 2,056.

The updated, but still preliminary figures show a slight reversal from Tuesday’s results, which showed Spence leading with 1,802 votes, followed by Curtis with 1,784. Friday’s figures saw an increase in votes cast for challenger Keith Eich, from 1,199 counted on election night to 1,392.

Final results will not be known until the election is certified, which is anticipated by March 31.


Sara Cardine,

Twitter: @SaraCardine
