
Students get a global view of culture at La Cañada Elementary’s annual World Fair

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Most parents want to give their children the world. On March 15, a group of La Cañada Elementary School parents did just that, hosting a World Fair in the school’s cafeteria.

Parent and event co-chair Farrell Foley said parents organize the event each year to expose kids to different world cultures. Along with fun activities, students learn facts about a nation’s geography, history and contributions to mankind.

“It’s about unity — we want to show them the world, and teach them to be respectful of other cultures,” Foley said.

That Thursday afternoon, kindergartners in Mandy Redfern and Wendi Damico’s classes joined Pam Daniger’s Transitional Kindergarten students on a whirlwind tour of the globe through colorful exhibits featuring Armenia, Japan, Chile, France and more.

Students played with Russian nesting dolls, watched a Korean traditional dance and learned how citizens of the Czech Republic invented contact lenses and introduced fingerprint technology to the world, all while nibbling on international treats. All day, kids in all grades hopped the globe without leaving their school.

Twitter: @SaraCardine
