
LCF city attorney to retire at end of year

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Longtime La Cañada Flintridge City Atty. Mark W. Steres will retire effective Dec. 31, City Hall announced Wednesday.

Steres, who is also the city attorney for Cerritos and San Dimas, has served La Cañada for more than 20 years as city attorney and assistant city attorney.

“It has been an absolute pleasure and honor to have served as city attorney for this wonderful community,” Steres said in a statement. “Much has been accomplished in these past 15 years and I feel fortunate to have been part of the city’s team supporting all of the projects and improvements that have occurred over those years.”

Tuesday’s City Council agenda will include a recommendation to begin a search for Steres’ successor.

“I will miss the people and the team effort the most, but the time has come for change and I look forward to my next chapter,” Steres said.
