
USC Verdugo Hills holds online contest to guess birth time, weight of first 2018 baby

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Staff at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital will spend New Year’s Day waiting for a very special delivery — the first baby of 2018. When that happens, they’ll be ready with open arms and a goody basket donated by area businesses.

But, as a special treat, the hospital is letting members of the public take a crack at just when that baby will be born and how much he or she will weigh, in a contest being held on Facebook. To enter, visit the Facebook page at and click on the “Like” button. You must be logged into Facebook to participate.

Under the Dec. 19 posting for the contest, just type your guesses for the weight (in pounds and ounces) and what time you think the baby will be born as a comment. Hospital staff will notify the two closest guesses. Winners will receive $100 gift cards for for each category.

USC special projects manager and La Cañada resident Deborah Weirick, who developed the contest, said it’s a fun way to build an online following among area residents, who can visit the site for the contest but then stay and be notified of the hospital’s many health and wellness programs and events throughout the year.

Weirick worked with the Crescenta Valley Chamber of Commerce to solicit donations for a gift basket for the parents of the first New Year’s baby to take home with them, containing services and products from area businesses such as a three-month membership to the Y, baby products and books and a free house cleaning session.

And while the gift and contests may mean a bit more work for hospital staff before and after the New Year, Weirick said people are happy to chip in for such a sweet cause.

“It’s a little extra work, but it’s fun,” she added. “Nobody’s complaining at all.”

Twitter: @SaraCardine
