
La Cañada extends contract for city’s trash haulers

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La Cañada’s trash haulers will have at least one more year to conduct business as usual, after the City Council voted Tuesday to extend their contracts with the city until June 30, 2017.

La Cañada Flintridge is the only city in Los Angeles County that still employs a non-exclusive, multiple hauler waste collection system. Proponents believe an open-market strategy ensures competitive rates, but those opposed claim the practice is inefficient and causes excess truck noise and exhaust on residential streets.

Since May 2014, a council subcommittee has investigated the potential benefits of switching to a single, exclusive contract and surveyed the public on the matter. Respondents said they liked their individual haulers, so the matter was momentarily tabled.

The subcommittee has requested a study session with the council to discuss issuing a Request For Proposals to see what individual haulers might offer in an exclusive contract with the city. To accommodate a discussion, the council voted Tuesday to extend all contracts expiring on June 30 by one more year.

The matter will come before the council in a future meeting, City Manager Mark Alexander said Tuesday.


Sara Cardine,

Twitter: @SaraCardine
