
City engineer moving on to new role in Pasadena

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In their last meeting of 2016, members of the La Cañada Flintridge City Council joined staff members in congratulating city engineer Kris Markarian on taking a new position with the city of Pasadena.

Public Works Director Edward Hitti and City Manager Mark Alexander bid a fond farewell to Markarian, who came into the position in February of last year after previous engineer Ying Kwan retired at the end of 2014.

“We certainly wish her the best and thank her for her years of service for the city of La Cañada Flintridge,” Alexander said of the engineer’s move to a city whose population is nearly seven times larger. “If she thought she was busy before, she’s really going to be busy now.”

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Markarian said she was grateful to have had an opportunity to serve the city.

“It’s not by accident that you have such a wonderful community and I’m grateful to have been part of it,” the outgoing city engineer said, adding she would likely continue to work with La Cañada officials on broader, regional issues. “I’m sure our paths will cross again.”


Sara Cardine,

Twitter: @SaraCardine
