
Letter: Ease up on days off, start school later

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La Cañada Unified schools were out for the entire Thanksgiving week. I wonder at the reasoning of that, instead of starting the school year later than midsummer. Starting school in the hottest part of the year — with little regard for the families so strongly opposed to it — feels disrespectful.

The reasons cited for the early start generally center on college admissions, sports, testing and teaching days for testing and more testing. Let’s break down the obvious.

For grade school students, what do sports and college admissions have to do with being deprived of P.E. and outdoor recess? An early August start doesn’t address their needs. I heard students complain they “had to watch a movie, again” instead of outdoor recess or P.E. Children should be cooling off in pools and at beaches, not suffering through extreme heat for eight weeks. Getting into the swing of a new year has challenges, and 100-degree days increase those challenges for students, staff and parents.

With regard to college-bound students, are admissions hurdles that much different with a later start? Schools across the nation do not start as early as LCUSD, and their students are also accepted to top colleges.

When it comes to sports, playing them is optional. I don’t know when sports stopped enhancing an education and started driving it. Many students receive scholarships for interests other than sports.

There’s a lack of common courtesy to the families that did not have an opportunity to “vote” against this ridiculous start. Petitions were filed, social media lit up and numerous letters have been sent opposing it. Where are our grateful leaders who allegedly care so much about the families that donate thousands of dollars to LCF Educational Foundation every year? Strong donations do not reflect acceptance of starting school in the summer. I’ve heard parents question the value of their donations, since their voices fall on deaf ears. Our voices deserve to be heard and addressed.

There must be a way to juggle days to address the almost 50% of families that did not ask for a midsummer start four years ago.

Bobbi-Lynn Caparella

La Cañada Flintridge
