
Letter: Having a VA clinic at PCC would help

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As a student veteran I am concerned the veterans clinic issue at Pasadena City College has stalled.

I reside in the city of Arcadia and as a member of the American Legion Post 261 El Monte and VFW Post 3208 it troubles me that Pasadena City College is not taking the concern of student veterans as a serious matter. My story is similar to other veterans. I am attending school full-time and I am a single mother who has put my healthcare on pause because either miss one day of class or find a babysitter for my child. Just to get to the closest VA facility I would be required to fight two hours of traffic to get there, wait for the doctor to become available, then fight another two or more hours of traffic to get home. Having a VA clinic on campus would alleviate some of stress about my health and allow me to better focus on my educational goals.

As a San Gabriel Valley community member I feel we should show our support to veterans at Pasadena City College as well as the veterans in the surrounding area.

Magdalena Castillotorres
