
Letter: VA clinic at PCC would help

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Re: “VA clinic issue at PCC continues to lag,” Around Town, Feb. 25. I am a disabled U.S. Navy veteran, attending PCC for the past two years. I am also a member of Student Veterans of America. During my enrollment at PCC, I and the many student veterans here have been waiting for two years since the board gave us approval to raise the funds for the VA clinic at the college. The community has been engaged and excited about a clinic to serve all the veterans of the San Gabriel Valley and, of course, the PCC students!

My current disability requires me to attend many doctor’s appointments at the West Los Angeles VA facility and the one on Temple Street. The distance and the inability to schedule reasonable appointment times at either one of these facilities results in missed classes and sometimes lower grades. I cannot stress what a difference this clinic will make in the daily lives of student veterans like myself. Any assistance you can give via your newspaper to help raise awareness to “What’s the hold up?” with the clinic at PCC would be appreciated. Student veterans need your help. Thank you for your attention.

Joseph Palesano
