
Commentary: Tips for locals who might encounter burglars or home invasion suspects

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Many local residents are alarmed about the increase in burglaries occurring in the Foothills as of late, as well as the potential for home invasions. I am from England and a Hong Kong-trained Master of Wing Chun kung fu, which is a personal defense system developed by women. I have taught self-defense and personal protection tactics to law enforcement and civilian organizations around the world. I have also taught strategies for keeping people and their families safe in their homes and on the streets.

Our local law enforcement teams do an excellent job. However, with the recent rash of burglaries happening in this area, which is partially due to the ease with which attackers can escape by using the 210 Freeway or other area thoroughfares, there are times when you need to employ strategies to be able to protect yourself and your family and keep them safe until help arrives.

The main idea is to become more aware of your surroundings and avoid getting into dangerous situations before they occur. When it comes to personal protection, prevention is the key. So here are just a few simple tips I have learned from my experience for staying safe, either at home or while out shopping.

Apart from having a really good home security system with cameras, I believe that one of the best things you can do to protect yourself against a burglar or a potential home invasion is to designate a safe room in your home. It can be any room, but the master bedroom is usually a good choice. You should have a reinforced steel door that can be used as a barricade to keep the family safe until help arrives. The safe room should be equipped with a cellphone in case your phone lines are cut, and a good quality pepper spray. In my opinion, pepper spray is a safer choice than a firearm, especially if you have small children in the home. Also, a big dog that barks loudly is an excellent deterrent against the average burglar or home invader.

When out shopping, keep all personal belongings off the seats of your car where people can use them to profile you. Don’t leave letters, bills or magazines in plain view where criminals can find out where you live, follow you home, or be waiting to ambush you when you return home.

Above all, if compromised, be non-confrontational. In my experience, many bandits are street gangsters and have no compunction about harming you if they are confronted. There is nothing you have that’s worth dying for. Therefore, your primary objective in a bad situation is to give up your belongings and stay alive.

Be smart and stay safe!

ALAN LAMB is a Montrose resident. He can be reached at (818) 841-4430.
