
Letters to the Editor: Reader writes that an election is in order to replace late LCF City Council member

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Appointing a person to fill the empty La Cañada Flintridge City Council seat of the late Dave Spence made sense when there was one viable candidate who ran in the March election.

The City Council decided to open up the seat to any qualified applicant. We have 16 candidates.

It now seems inappropriate for the four current City Council members (actually only three votes are needed) to choose a winner from that very large field.

Democratic principles suggest that the City Council change course and declare an open election.

The election could be held jointly with the school district and irrigation district elections on Nov. 7.

This election will allow the voters of LCF to read the candidates’ bios and positions on important issues, listen to a debate or two, and then make their decision.

Rody Stephenson

La Cañada Flintridge
