
Letters to the Editor: Reader encourages locals to give to Community Center

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Yesterday I received a color glossy flier from the Community Center of La Cañada Flintridge. I am so glad that CCLCF leadership has reached out and asked for financial support and to invite community members to visit and see what’s up. I hope you will read on — I want you to consider giving. And if you don’t know CCLCF, I want you to check them out and then consider giving!

I have lived in La Cañada most of the last 32 years. I worked here and raised my kids here. They played T-ball for a couple years on the fields adjacent to CCLCF (“Youth House” then). Our family has run in the Thanksgiving morning race that CCLCF organizes. But I didn’t get to know the place until four years ago. It began with a ceramics class.

Now I am at the center several times per week, do occasional volunteer work and contribute financially. And I am captivated by each new announcement of activities and classes for all ages and interests.

I was shocked to learn recently that there are very, very few individual donors. Some of my acquaintances think the city operates the Community Center. It does not. Some think the center just hosts youth sports activities. Not correct. Many think it’s kind of a run-down facility. Well, it is old and not very fancy. But as you might read in the flier, the leadership team is dedicated to making enhancements and improvements. But this will go slowly without contributions.

CCLCF holds a few fundraising events during the year and Amazon Smile can bring in a little extra. But I encourage you to consider making a tax-deductible donation before you are hit with a deluge of year-end charity appeals that will hit your mailbox and email. We are a wealthy community; our wonderful community center deserves (and needs) to have more than a handful of individual donors!

Karen Buxbaum

La Cañada Flintridge
