
Mailbag: Dave Spence uses common sense

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On the occasions when I have sent email to the La Cañada City Council to ask its help in our ongoing electrical outage problems, it is Dave Spence who always responds right away and copies me on his subsequent outreach to city staff and Southern California Edison personnel to address it.

When I watched a closed-circuit recording of a City Council meeting that addressed a traffic issue in my neighborhood, it was Dave Spence who used legal common sense to say “now that we are on notice about the potential hazard, we cannot ignore it,” and voted alone not to accept the status quo.

If only all politicians on all political stages were as responsive, dedicated and commonsensical. I hope all La Cañadans will join me in supporting Dave Spence and reelect this thoughtful, hardworking and experienced man to continue serving our equally special community.

Amy Bernhard

La Cañada Flintridge
