
Mailbag: Facing ‘mean girls’ in the workplace

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After reading the front-page (above the fold) article Jan. 5 about the unlawful sex discrimination claim filed by Principal Christine Castillo against the LCUSD, I noticed the glaring facts that the allegations mentioned are pointed at two females — LCUSD Supt. Wendy Sinnette and former Associate Supt. of HR Patty Hager.

In my professional experience, there isn’t a woman, including myself, who hasn’t been victimized by woman versus woman gender bias in the workplace. Sometimes it escalates to unlawful discrimination but mostly remains a constant “gender bully” from females whether she is a peer, supervisor or administrator.

Legal remedies aside, women must stop this kind of conduct against other women. How can professional women succeed when their own worst enemy sits across the conference table from them? Why is it that if asked, most women will admit that they’d rather work for a man? I can count the number of professional women on one hand, in over 25 years in the workplace, who have treated me fairly, haven’t been jealous of my size 4 figure, haven’t been envious of my fashion sense, and haven’t undermined my credibility or hampered my ability to succeed.

We know that still, in 2017, women earn fewer overall dollars than men. Women do break glass ceilings only to find the bullet-proof glass ones that cannot be broken. It’s a shame. Why? Because more and more women in professional positions, like the administrators at the helm of Ms. Castillo’s lawsuit, may just be “mean girls” like the others I and many others have and continue to encounter.

I wish Ms. Castillo luck and that the majority of jurors on the case are men.

Dr. Annie G. Reed
